Khor Shao Liang

I am a final year student in School of Computing at National University of Singapore. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) specializing in Database Systems.

Remindeer Telegram Bot

Aug 2019 » Python Telegram Bot Ongoing
Remindeer Telegram Bot

About Remindeer

Like it or not, digital gadgets have become a key part of people’s lives. We now spend a large amount of waking hours on our digital devices. Checking the phone for messages after waking up have become a daily routine for many people.

As such, Remindeer was created to satisfy the need for a simple bot that sends scheduled notifications.

Programming Languages

  • Python

Remindeer Features


This is arguably the most important function in this Bot.

The usage is straight forward; simply input the command /remind with the desired reminder.

Example Command

/remind Bring umbrella
Current reminders:

1. Bring umbrella
2. Search for paper clips
3. Dental appointment at 10:45
4. RSVP to John's party


The bot will reply the user with all reminders and the time of reminder that are saved.

Example Command


Example Response

1. Bring umbrella

20 Aug 2019, Tue, 09:00 AM

2. Search for paper clips

05 Aug 2019, Mon, 10:45 AM

3. Dental appointment at 10:45

07 Sep 2019, Wed, 09:50 AM

4. RSVP to John's party

05 Aug 2019, Mon, 07:30 PM


Delete saved reminders based on the index that appeared after /list command.

Example Command

/delete 1

Example Response

`Bring umbrella` deleted
1. Search for paper clips
2. Dental appointment at 10:45
3. RSVP to John's party


Example Command


Future Development Plan

  • Snooze button
  • Multiple delete
  • Reminder repetition