Khor Shao Liang

I am a final year student in School of Computing at National University of Singapore. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) specializing in Database Systems.

Wikipedia Telegram Bot

Aug 2019 » Python Telegram Bot
Wikipedia Telegram Bot

About Weakipedia

Although not the most realiable source as citations for report writing, Wikipedia is one most used platform for knowledge sharing.

Despite having ‘Weak’ as part of its name, Weakipedia is no slouch! Weakipedia is a Telegram bot coded in Python with a Python Wikipedia API Wrapper. Weakipedia simiplicity allows users to quickly search for unfamilar terms and definition without the need to open up a browser and search for it.

Programming Languages

  • Python

Weakipedia Features


Example Command

/wiki pycharm
Example Response


Example Command


Future Development Plan

Nothing planned as of now.